Siba Sahabi Foundation

Photography by Masha Bakker

A selection of projects by Siba Sahabi are supported and supervised by the Siba Sahabi Foundation. The foundation’s goal is the production, development, and promotion of cultural and cross-disciplinary projects that are presented on stage and at exhibitions to a diverse audience.
The foundation is based in Amsterdam and was set up on the 26th of February 2020. The board of directors consists of chairman Ernst van Dijk (trainer and consultant in the creative industry), secretary Daniël Kieft (art curator and program maker) and treasurer Corine Overvest (producer in the cultural sector).

The following projects were produced or are in production:
  • photography series Osiris 
  • audio-visual installation Pavlopetri (co-production)

The Siba Sahabi Foundation supports the Gouvernance Code Cultuur and Fair Practice Code.  

You can find the statues here.
The foundation is incidentally subsidised by: 
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • Fonds 21
  • Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industrie
  • BNG Cultuurfonds 
  • Cultuurfonds
  • Stichting Zabawas
  • Cultuurfonds Stichtse Vecht
  • Stimuleringsfonds Rouw
  • Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
  • Stichting Carel Nengerman Fonds
  • Mr. August Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds
  • Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds
  • P.W. Janssen's Friesche Stichting
  • Gemeente Haarlemmermeer

Ernst van Dijk (1960) is a consultant and owner of GIFT Coaching Training & Consultancy. He was previously the CEO of McCann Erickson in Amsterdam. With his own company GIFT, he focusses on the personal and professional development of individuals and teams who work in the creative industry. Clients range from designers and artists to photographers and architects.

Daniël Kieft (1981) is an independent art curator and program maker with a master in dramaturgy at Groningen University. He worked for companies and festivals such as Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Toneelgroep Oostpool and Holland Festival. Currently he is head of program at cultural community We Are Public and works on self-initiated projects. He has a penchant for artists and projects that transcend disciplines.

Corine Overvest (1982) is a producer in the cultural sector. She combines her passion for the arts with her business skills. Together with Carolien van der Schoot she has started Artisitiek Ondernemerschap, a leadership program for artists. Her foundation, The Cola Connection, aims to promote Dutch performing and visual art in New York. Furthermore, she works for the Ragazze Quartet, Teylers Museum, Kunsten ’92, and the Performing Arts Fund NL (Fonds Podiumkunsten).

Stichting Siba Sahabi  
Nieuwe Teertuinen 17R  
1013 LV Amsterdam  
The Netherlands 

KVK: 77475240
VAT: NL861018862B01
RSIN: 861018862

   ︎  ︎  ︎  •  Siba Sahabi  •  •  Amsterdam  •  +31 (0)6 141 734 37  •  stay informed with Siba Sahabi's newsletter